
Thursday, June 07, 2007

You're Fired! No. I'm Leaving!

A turn up for the books on last night's: The Apprentice. Katie Hopkins made the gutsy decision to stand down, after securing a place in the final.

Her reason - she couldn't confirm that the people who are vital cogs in the up-bringing of her children were willing to make the same sacrfiices as she was.

It made me wonder whether women can 'have-it-all'? Family and a career. This situation suggests not. Sure you can establish both, but the two worlds will collide indefinately and at this point you will need to be aware of your priorities. It may not be in the big 'dramatic' spotlight like Hopkins had to deal with - it could start with having to work late, and you can't personally pick up your children, or having to climb down the career ladder to make your working times more flexible for them. The healthy balance doesn't exist with a healthy relationship with your kids. As the old saying goes: 'Something's got to give.'

One thing's for sure - It almost made me ring up my own mother and apologise for all the things I have ever prevented her from doing and all the things I will stop her from doing in the future. Because, selfishly, I don't like the thought of someone stopping me from reaching my potential and I sure as heck, don't want to be that person to someone else- least of all someone I love.

N.B - this blog should apply to men and women.

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