KU freshens up
A behaviour change to erase the carbon footprint of Kingston University is getting ready to start this week, with a scheme overseen by The Carbon Trust.
As one of 17 universities to be accepted for the Higher Education Carbon Management Programme, Kingston University will install energy measuring devices in every building to find out the total of energy used and its efficiency, to target efforts to reduce energy consumption.
Nicola Corrigan, the University's Sustainability Facilitator, who is taking on the role of Project manager said: “The University has made a commitment to reduce its impact on the environment...for at least a couple of years. It will be behaviour change, actually getting people to think about using energy more wisely.”
Kingston students welcome the scheme, as many consider the University to be wasteful. English and Journalism student, Jo Cotterell, says: “There are loads of unnecessary lights turned on around university all the time. It would be a good start by keeping these off as they seem to be for appearance only.”
This has been confirmed by the results of a recent energy audit report at Penrhyn Road campus, covered by journalism students' newspaper, The River. The report revealed that “a third of the total energy used throughout the daytime is wasted throughout the night.”
The Carbon Trust is a government funded independent body helping organisations reduce carbon emissions and develop low carbon technologies, by offering insight and drive to change lifetime habits and better the climate change situation.
Donald Beaton, the University Secretary, will become the Project sponsor and is excited for the University's commitment but proud that it is no stranger to energy saving with its development of energy efficient buildings, bus services and its promotion of car sharing.
“Our successful application to join the Carbon Management scheme demonstrates the University’s commitment to cut carbon emissions associated to our organisations operations.”
A 'Turn it Off' campaign will also run with this scheme within the University to remind everyone of the simple steps to save energy. Nicola said: “I’m looking forward to leading this project and making some positive changes.”
Labels: campaign, carbon footprint, emissions, energy, sustainability, university, waste
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